Omiros College-Greek Language & Culture

School History

Omiros College was founded in 1984. It is a not for profit Greek Language Community School specialising in the teaching of the Greek Language and Culture.

The College operates weeknights and Saturday mornings from a number of campuses throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area. Classes are held at rented school facilities, both Government & Catholic. All administrative and support work is done at the College’s Office in Brunswick.

The College provides for its students a mobile library from which books are borrowed and also offers a computer program for students in Prep – Year 10 to enhance their language skills.


Aims of the College:

  • To promote and teach the Greek Language and Culture throughout the Greek community and the wider community in Victoria. Students of different family backgrounds are enrolled at the school with various levels of familiarity with the language. Therefore the planning of the curriculum and the structure of the classes is focused on meeting the needs of these students.
  • To provide a high standard of Education, not only in the Greek language, but also in a wide range of cultural activities.
  • To further enrich the school’s library facilities and to further develop and implement a Greek language learning program with the use of computers/ laptops/ i-pads to embark on e-learning, at all levels.
  • To ensure each young Victorian will have the best chance for the future by helping them attain their full potential at school.
  • To provide the opportunity to students to benefit by the achievements and values of Hellenism and to appreciate its contribution to the development of the Western Civilisation.


Omiros College Curriculum Goals

Omiros College rejuvenated curriculum is one of the most comprehensive for the teaching of Greek as a Second Language. With a stronger focus on verbal communication, the revised curriculum has been updated in order to meet the needs of students.

The College has spared neither effort nor cost for the achievement of the highest possible level in the teaching of the Greek language and the maintenance and propagation of Greek culture.


We aim:

  • To provide a sequential program in the teaching of Greek from Prep – Year 12.
  • To ensure that students at all levels are confident in writing as well as speaking Greek.
  • To provide an insight into the cultural context of the Greek language.
  • To cultivate Greek values through tradition and history.
  • To acquaint students with the achievements and values of Hellenism.
  • To provide special classes for students with no or limited knowledge of the Greek language referred to from here on as Greek as a Second Language. (G.S.L.)